Welcome to the Seattle Police Women’s Alliance
Together, we are enhancing the professional development, mentorship and support of women in law enforcement at the Seattle Police Department. All current and retired officers are welcome! What do you want SPWA to do for you?
Events & Trainings
TRAINING: Leadership
Monday - Tuesday 12/9 - 10
Everett Police Department is hosting a two day leadership training, open to all female officers. “Women in Command is an energetic and interactive two-day course conceived, constructed, and taught by successful female law enforcement executives.” More
SPWA Women’s Climbing Night
Monday 9/16/24, 6 - 10pm
Rock out with other women from SPWA at Edgeworks Bellevue, 15600 NE 8th St Bellevue. Beginners welcome! Only $12 for equipment and climbing pass. Bring friends!
New SPD Parent Forum
Coming soon!
Officers who are new parents often struggle to find balance between the demands of work and family. Let’s not lose any more women officers to this issue. How would you make SPD more parent friendly? Sign up now.